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What is the difference between an electrician and an electrical fitter?

As a homeowner, building owner, or construction manager, you may have often come across the terms “electrician” and “electrical fitter.” While both electricians and electrical fitters work with electrical systems, they have different roles and responsibilities. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the distinction between electricians and electrical fitters, their job functions, and the type of projects they typically work on. Whether you are considering hiring one of them, or you are interested in pursuing a career in the electrical industry, this article should provide you with the information you need to make informed decisions.


Electricians are professionals trained to install, maintain, repair, and inspect electrical systems in residential, commercial, and industrial settings. They work on building projects or maintenance jobs that require electrical work. Electricians handle tasks such as installing wiring systems, electrical fixtures, and appliances. They also diagnose and troubleshoot electrical faults and provide solutions to restore functionality. Sydney electrician work on different types of electrical systems, including lighting, power distribution, and communications systems, and they work with various materials, such as copper, aluminum, and plastic.

There are different types of electricians, including residential, commercial, and industrial electricians. Residential electricians work on small-scale electrical projects in residential settings, such as homes and apartments. Commercial electricians handle wiring and lighting systems for businesses and commercial buildings like hospitals, schools, shops, and offices. Industrial electricians, on the other hand, work in factories and other industrial settings, handling large motors, generators, and other heavy-duty electrical equipment.

Electrical Fitters

Electrical fitters, also known as panel builders or switchgear fitters, specialize in assembling and fitting electrical components into switch gears, distribution panels or control panels. They work in electrical manufacturing companies, workshops, or on-site. Electrical fitters read electrical diagrams, plans, and technical manuals to determine the appropriate components to use and how to assemble them. They also test the electrical panels to ensure their safety and functionality. Electrical fitters work with hand tools, power tools, and machinery to fit electrical components into panels efficiently.

Electrical fitters work on high-voltage power systems, such as those found in substations and power grids. They are also called upon to build bespoke control panels and power distribution systems to meet the needs of different industries. These systems may include PLCs, relays, transformers, and automation systems, among others.

Differences Between Electricians and Electrical Fitters

The primary difference between an electrician and an electrical fitter is the type of work they perform. Electricians work on broad electrical projects that include wiring, installation, repair, and maintenance. Electrical fitters, on the other hand, specialize in assembling and installing electrical components into switchgear, control panels, and distribution panels. Electrical fitters require specialized knowledge of electrical components and the ability to read and interpret technical plans and diagrams. They also need proficient assembly and fitting skills.

Electricians, on the other hand, require extensive knowledge of electrical systems design, installation, maintenance, and repair. They also need to understand electrical codes and safety protocols to prevent dangerous situations from arising. Electricians must be able to diagnose, troubleshoot, and repair electrical faults in a variety of settings.


While the work of both electricians and electrical fitters may seem similar, they require different skills, abilities, and knowledge. Electricians handle electrical projects that require wiring, installation, repair, and maintenance, while electrical fitters work on assembling electrical components into switchgear and control panels. Depending on the project you have, you can decide which professional to hire. Knowing the differences between electricians and electrical fitters is also essential if you plan to pursue a career in the electrical industry. By understanding the roles and responsibilities of these professionals, you’ll be able to make informed career choices.

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